We are excited to remind everyone that we have a variety of support groups available to the public for those struggling with (or living with someone struggling with) mental health and substance use challenges. We are forever thankful for our volunteers who make these groups possible.
As we approach the upcoming holidays, we know that there will be members of our community seeking support. We want to be there to support you and that’s why we have kept the majority of our support groups open for the week of Christmas. Below is our Holiday week support group schedule. We look forward to seeing you there!
7pm Monday 12/21/2020- Connection Support Group
Meeting ID: 936-2221-4889
Password: 813714
3pm Wednesday 12/23/2020- Connection Support Group
IN PERSON- Beautiful Mind Center
10554 Spring Hill, FL 34604
7pm Thursday 12/24/2020- Connection Support Group
***No group meeting due to the holiday***
7pm Friday 12/25/2020- Connection Support Group
***No group meeting due to the holiday***
10am Saturday 12/26/2020- Connection Support Group
Meeting ID: 978-2751-5128
Password: 632220
Additionally we have cancelled groups meeting on:
7pm Thursday 12/31/2020- Connection Support Group
***No group meeting due to the holiday***
7pm Friday 01/01/2021- Connection Support Group
***No group meeting due to the holiday***
I also wish to remind everyone that our after hours Care line will be available as well. You can contact the NAMI Hernando Care line by calling (352) 316-7783.
From all of us at NAMI Hernando, we wish you and your families a wonderful and safe holiday.
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