Your voice matters!
Becoming a member of NAMI Hernando makes you a member of BIG change. Your membership to NAMI Hernando is also a membership to NAMI national, the largest grassroots mental health organization in the United States of America.
In addition to your member votes at the local and national level, your NAMI membership also gives you:
- Receive the NAMI Advocate magazine.
- Attend the National Convention at a discount rate.
- Online access to member-only content at
*NAMI membership fees are annual. When your membership is due, you will receive an email to renew. We do NOT charge your card for renewal automatically. If you have any questions about membership and fees please call (352)684-0004 Monday-Friday 9am-3pm EST.
Why become a member?
Support Mental Health Awareness and change by becoming a member. Stay up to date on the latest news in Mental Health Advocacy and have your voice be heard locally and across the nation. Your votes as a member matter and help us to implement change at the highest levels.
Who do we serve?
NAMI Hernando is a local affiliate of NAMI national. We specifically cater to the needs of our local community: Hernando County, Florida. That means, all the money we raise for programs and awareness goes right back into the community with free services for all. We know the value of mental health and believe everyone has a right to it. Whether you are a member of NAMI Hernando or just a member of the Hernando County Community, we are here to support you and your wellness.